Monday, September 26, 2011


Being the computer nerd, my analogy for what I am going through now is it is like the power outage which causes your computer to re-boot. When life knocks you on your ass, the experts would suggest that part of your recovery, should involve reviewing your core assumptions.  Perhaps re-architecting your life going forward.  I am sure there are some Pollyannas out there that would say "This can be a GOOD thing".  "When life gives you lemons make lemonade!"  Unfortunately, I am still too dazed and confused to imagine any grand new visions for myself. Rather I am just struggling to get out of bed each day and face a world not of my own choosing.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing your best to embrace life on life's terms, and honor its impermanence. I am happy you choose to share yourself with and engage with us through your writings. I am enjoying your blog!
