This weekend I will complete one of the most distasteful things that I have to do each year. I will complete my research and & paperwork so that my accountant can file my 2010 Federal Tax return before October 15. You say “What? I thought everyone’s tax return is due on April 15." Well, what is actually true is that our TAXES are due on April 15. The TAX RETURN can be filed four months later. All those silly people lining up at the post office in order to get an April 15 postmark could just fill out a simple form for an "Automatic Extension" and include a check (for the most money you could possibly owe them – accounting for the money that you already have paid). Of course, if you were due for a refund then you have an incentive to file earlier ( I usually just assign any refund due me to pay for next years taxes.) Come August 15, my accountant files a second form for an "Extension for Cause”. This second extension always uses the following excuse: ”Client needs more time to collect the materials for the return”. This extension for two more months is always approved. This is how I get to my end of September crisis. I need to get the material to my accountant so he can have it entered into his computer, produce a return, and get it back to me in time for me to sign it and get a October 15 postmark. Given that he is thousands of miles away, we have to use the EXPRESS mail services twice.
This bad behavior of mine has gone on for three decades. I ask myself why I put this task off until the last minute every year. The best answer that I can come up with is that: I HATE PAYING FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. I not only hate paying Federal Taxes (even though I have kept my taxable rate low) I hate that they make me fill out all these complicated forms and waste all this time keeping track of all my expenses. I think of it as if I were being crucified AND they even make me carry my own cross up the hill before nailing me too it! All the time it takes me to prepare for filing the return is “salt in the wound” of having to pay the taxes in the first place. AND if that were not bad enough, some additional “salt in the wound” for me is the BAD things the government does with my money. IF the Federal government stuck to its constitutional limits and the tax system was SIMPLE and FAIR, I would not mind paying for my share of “Government Services”. I am a Libertarian NOT an Anarchist.
Let us dream for a moment about an ideal Federal Tax system (other than no Federal Tax). How about a tax return on which you first use a simple formula to calculate the tax amout that you owe. (Some have called taxes the price we pay for civilization.) THEN (this is the GOOD part) you get to allocate your dollars for the “tasks” that you want the government to perform. Most of us would fund the military, the interstate freeway system, and give some money to support the old and the disabled. How many of us would support 2+ foreign wars? How many of us would support the “Drug War?” How many of us would support keeping a military presence in 100 other countries? IF we could allocate our taxes to the functions our government performs AND congress could only spend our money within the categories that we allocated, how different would our country be today?
I wouldn't necessarily chalk it up to "bad behavior". It just gives you a few more months to invest that money that will be going to the IRS.